Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How do you Upload Videos to Youtube

Guess What? It is a new year. That means that this podcast is now going to be in full HD glory. Thats wright people 1080p resolution. To kick of the start of the new year I have recorded a video telling you how you can make your own youtube videos just using the software that came on your Mac. How do you do this? Well it is simple really all you have to do is watch the video embedded below and you should be good to go. Now if you have any problems leave a comment on this post and I will get back to you ASAP to answer the question. NOTE: The water mark on the video is soon to go away once I purchase the product.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

New Mac Pro

Ok so I got this brand new Mac Pro for Christmas and it has 2 GB of RAM and 2 2.8 Ghz Intel Processors. Here is the unboxing video. Keep in mind that this is not in HD it is just Normal Resolution. The HD stuff will be coming in the new year.

Here is the specs video for the Mac Pro.

Feel free to comment and stay tuned for what is coming in the new year.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

New in 2009

I have been doing this whole video blogging thing for about six moths and I feel that it is time for improvement. What better time to do that then at the start of a new year, so I decided to make some changes. Listed below are some of the things that you can be looking forward to.

  • Better Quality Videos. I am going to start doing my videos in full 720p HD quality (1280x720) Resolution. I am also looking for a way to get the screen casts in a way better quality.

  • Better organized videos. I will begin planning my videos before hand so they won't just sound like I am rambling about some boring topic.

  • Also there is a possibility that if I get the traffic I need that I will launch my own site. This will allow me to make a more custom experience and interact more with my readers.

So that is what you can be looking forward to in the new year. Also note that I am going to be taking a break for Christmas. I will have a video up the first weekend in 2009 hopefully with all the improvements listed above. In the mean time feel free to look back through the archives of the blog and read some of the old posts. Listed below are the archives from the months I have been doing this.

Also check out the page I have put together on all of the major Twitter Clients. Twitter Page

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Should you really pay for office software?

The answers depends on what you will be doing with it. If all you do is type a document every now and then then you would most likely be wasting your money. Sure, you could get open office, but did you know that you don't even have to install anything on your system. You can use Google Docs of course, but I would at least try out the other services available. The thing is that Google Docs is a very basic application. There are a few other ones that have a lot more to offer; you just need to decide what you need. If you need very basic things then I would suggest Google Docs because it is fast and reliable. Other than that watch the video to find out more and make the decision about which service would be great for you.

You can go to the different sites here:
Google Docs
Think Free

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Do You Want More Control?

If you use OS X as your main operating system then there is probably more than one thing that you are unhappy with this. However there are somethings that you can fix by 3rd party software. There is a problem called Super Docker you can download it: Here. This program will allow you to customize the look and the feel of your dock. This is one of the things that a lot of people complain about not having enough customizability to it. This application will allow you to do what you want to with the dock. That is not all though; there are also many other system hacks you can take advantage of. It will allow you to force all link to be opened in a new tab in Safari, even when the web web site says to open in new window. There is an option to show hidden files as well. This still does not even do it justice, to see all of the features watch the short and sweet video. Please comment, maybe you know of something better. Let me know how I am doing.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Funny Joke

A Blonde Goes To Bed Bath & Beyond To Buy Curtains.

She tells the clerk, 'I would like to buy a pair of pink curtains'.

The clerk assures her that they have a large selection of pink

curtains. She shows her several patterns but the blonde seems to be

having a hard time choosing.

Finally she selects a lovely pink floral print.

The clerk then asks what size curtains she needs.

The blonde promptly replies, 'Seventeen inches.'
'Seventeen inches?' asked the clerk. 'That sounds very small. What room
are they for?'

The blonde says, 'They aren't for a room. They are for my new computer
The surprised clerk replies, 'But Miss, computers do not need curtains!'
The blonde says,...

'Hellllooooooooo, I've got Windoooooows'!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Why Mac?

My friend recently got a new Mac Book and he loves it. This is a keynote that he made in his spare time explaining his thoughts about the Mac Book. I am also in agreement with what he says. You can watch the keynote here:

Please comment and let me know what you think about the video.

Friday, November 21, 2008

A Poem I Wrote

This is a poem that I wrote fr a school project. This is a found poem that I made from quotes collected from the Diary of Anne Frank play.

"Thin Air"

"Going through times of despair.
Like vanishing into thin air.
Though it is comforting to think we have protectors out there.
Writing my story in fear.
My heart is vanishing into thin air.
Bringing out all the things bundled in my heart.
You never lose your temper.
Though I am jealous of you.
I want to think our protectors have never lost.
Vanishing into thin air my heart in despair."

Please comment and let me know what you think.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Did you know that there is a service out there that will allow you copy and post text to share anywhere in the world. The site is called TXTB.IN. Go Here. When at the site you are presented with a very easy to use interface that will allow you to type in any amount of plain text that you would like. Once you are done typing you can save the text to a web page. The site will then give you a URL that you can give to anybody. When you go to this page you can see what you have just typed. I found this helpful in order to make longer twitter posts that would exceed the character limit. Also if you have some text one one computer then you can copy it to this site got to that site on the other computer and open the URL so you can then have access to the text.

Thank you fore reading! Please comment on the post.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Tweet Deck

Tweet Deck is a free cross-platform application running on the Adobe Air platform that allows you to manage your twitter account. You can download Tweet desk here: Click Here. Tweet deck stands out from the other application because it allows you to open up different lists in the one window. What you can do it take all of you followers and add them to their own category. So for example if you wanted to put two lists there tech and news; you could filter the users to fall into their own lists. Lets say you are following Chris Pirillo, FOX, Leo Leporte, and CNN. You could put Chris and Leo into a tech list, while FOX and CNN are in the news list. There are endless possibilities with this. You can still display the normal timeline of course.So if you like to stay organized then you might want to try Tweet Deck. Watch the video at the top of the post to see this application in action.

Please comment. Let me know what your favorite Twitter client is.

NOTE: TweetDeck is still in beta. You will have to sign up in order to get the app.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Today I am doing a video demonstration on how you can use GMDesk to manage your google applications. GMDesk is a applicationg that utilizes Adobe Air inorder to let you use all of the Google apps such as mail and calendar through a desktop application. This is a free app you can download here: Donwload Here. Watch the video to find out more.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Parts of a Computer

Just a few days ago I was talking to a friend and he wanted to know about some of the parts of a computer. So I decided to tell the whole world. To start off I recommend you watch the video above as it can show a lot more then some text in a blog post.

A computer has a few main parts. The CPU, RAM, HD, and GPU to name the basics.

  • The CPU is the brain of the computer. The Ghz of the CPU is like an IQ for human brain. The CPU is what does all the work of the machine.

  • The next us RAM. The RAM is like paper if you will. Think if you were doing a math problem you would be writing it down on paper. The RAM is what stores the temporary data while the CPU works on it.

  • Next you have the HD. Think of the HD as being the binder. When you are done with that math problem you would put the paper into a binder to store it for later. The HD is what stores all of the data once the computer is done working on it.

  • Lastly, you have the GPU. The GPU is like a CPU for graphics. The GPU is short for the Graphics card. It processes all of the video input and output for the computer. The CPU also has RAM for storing what it needs to. Although some GPUs use the RAM from the rest of the computer.

So now the Whole analogy is that the CPU= the brain; the RAM= Paper; and the HD= a binder were you put the paper away. I hope all of this helps you in learning some of the basic parts of a computer.

Some of the terms I used are: CPU(Central Processing Unit), RAM(Random Access Memory), HD (Hard Drive), and GPU(Graphics Processing Unit). Here are some pictures of those parts.





Please leave any comments you would like to. Also let me know if this helped you. Would you want to know more about the components of computers?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

New Mac Books 2008

I have been waiting to do this until I could get a good chance to do a quality review. I recommend that you watch the video as this is simply a repeat and show notes of what has been said there.

to start off I see no reason to not like the new design as others have said. I personally have no problem with the new design. I like it and I think that it will mean more possibilities in the future. I will first list what I think would be some cons (I have not actually touched one). For the Mac book low end I see no reason for there not be be a back lit key board. I can't be that much more expensive to put one in there, and I know a lot of people who don't need the high-end computer that would like to have the back light. Also why in the world would they take away the firewire? Apple invented this didn't they? Anyway people really would need a more powerful computer like a Mac Book Pro to edit video. Even though some people just import then upload to Youtube. i guess you could use a USB adapter, but it would go slower. Also this seems like it would cause a problem with an external HD. The last con that I can think of now is that there is no mat screen. Unless there has been a major change you can't even use your laptop outside or in a bright room unless you want a mirror.

Now on to the Pros. I love the new more durable (or so Apple says) brick technology. Also I love the new track pad idea. Not only do you not have the button at the bottom yu now have a mouse with multiple buttons on a track pad. The question I have is can you get a program to remap what the different gestures to so you can possibly like have a fully functional "multiple button mouse". The next pro which isn't that big of a deal is the price. The reason I say that is that the price is still high and they will have to bring it down about 2-3 hundred dollars to cut into the Dell and HP market.

Now on to some clarification about some things people are complaining about that aren't problems. the track pad is simply one whole button (the whole thing depresses). It isn't that horrid touch click feature that we all hate because we all end up screwing something up trying to use it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Feel free to leave comments and let me know how I am doing. Also I am interested to know what you think about the new Mac Books. Will you be going to get one?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

My Social a Social Media Client

My Social is a very basic Twitter and Friendfeed program that simply gives you a tabbed interface in order to view both your Twitter and Friendfeed timelines. Watch the video to find out more. You can download My Social here: Download.

Friday, October 10, 2008

search 2001

This is a quick video on how you can go back and search the old Google archives from 2001. Also how to get a reverse google (elgooG). Link to the search 2001 page

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Twinja Air

This is a Twitter client that provides a very innovative way of displaying timelines.  It allows you to make different filters or groups that allow you to have different time lines open in the same window. The only disadvantage is that it takes up a lot of desktop space, but with all the multi desktop apps out there that shouldn't be a problem.  Watch the Video to fins out more.  You can Download Twinja Air here:Download Here

Also feel free to comment.  Let me know what you think about my videos. Also what do you think about Twinja Air?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Spaz a Twitter Client

The second post in the series of the Desktop clients for Twitter and friendfeed will feature Spaz Download Here

Spaz is just a Twitter Client NOT a friendfeed client like some of the others. To start off, Spaz is a very basic yet feature rich program. It will allow you to do just about anything that you would want to do with your Twitter account. It also provides a great UI for you to manage all of your tweets with. You can view all of the different time lines send a DM, reply, of just simply Tweet. It has a character counter as well as a feature to allow you to easily tell if you have read a Tweet yet or not (that wins me over). It also gives you a API report and will automatically tell how often it needs to update according to what the current API limit is. Lastly one of the best things about this program is that it keeps the bugs to a minimum; I have hardly had any problems with it no crashes etc. Watch the review to find out more.

Feel free to comment, let me know what you think about Spaz. Also what is your favorite Twitter client? Or do you just use the web interface?

Monday, September 22, 2008

Twhirl a Twitter Client

Over the course of the next few weeks I am going to be writing posts on all the different Twitter clients. At the end I will merge all the posts together and give them their own page. The first one I am going to demo is probably the most popular, the adobe air app: Twhirl. You can download Twhirl Here

Twhirl is not only a Twitter client, it is also a Friendfeed client. This is nice to just have one program open doing both things for you. Twhirl is just simply a Twitter/Friendfeed timeline on your desktop. You can read all your direct messages and all of the replies as well as the public timeline. One of my favorite features is that when you are reading the latest tweets you can see a star of you have not read and if you have read them the star will go away. This is great for keeping up with all the tweets. You can also tweet from Twhirl. When you are posting a tweet Twhirl has built in URL shortening as well as the ability to add photos to the mix.

That is not without some disadvantages though. One of the main ones (I don't know if this is Adboe Air or Twhirl) is the fact that it is really buggy. I find that it freezes a lot and it has some weird scrolling issue. I would still keep an eye on it though, because it does have a lot of promise.

If you have any comments about Twhirl feel free to leave them. What is your favorite client?

Once again you can download twhirl Here

Friday, September 19, 2008

Manners?, E-mail?, Wha?

I had to do a project in computer class today about some of the rules of etiquette that you need to folow when you are using e-mail here they are:

*E-mail Etiquette-Being polite and using your manners while communicating online through e-mail.

Don’t get to the point to quick. You are sending an e-mail not a text message. Take time to use your words and be polite.
Don’t use text lingo in a formal e-mail. IE. LOL, BRB. This makes you appear to be some kind of texting addict.
Check over the e-mail. When someone gets an e-mail from you and there major misspellings and other grammatical errors it make you come across much dumber then you may be.
When writing an e-mail use your manners, say please and thank you just as you would when you are talking face-to-face.
Be nice in a n e-mail. People can tell when you are getting impatient or in a bad mood by the way you write something. Don’t be too rood in an e-mail. Don’t write in all uppercase letters (I don’t care how cool you think they are). It comes across as you yelling and is not a very good way to write an e-mail.
When sending an e-mail use a formal e-mail address. If your e-mail address is then it will not come across to be very serious e-mail. As a matter of fact it will most likely get deleted by the spam filter.
Don’t send a very large e-mail. When sending an e-mail keep in mind that people have limited amount of inbox space and bandwidth. They don’t want to spend 30 minutes downloading your e-mail. Instead of attaching all 10 pictures from your vacation, Upload them to a FREE hosting service such as photobucket or flickr.
Please comment and let me know what you think about those rules also feel free to leave rules of your own.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

How to tour Disney World in Google Earth

Did you know that you can now take a virtual tour of Disney World in Google Earth. Well you can. This requires some power behind your system though. While doing this Google Earth will eat up your CPU and RAM.

  • To start off with you first need to go to the side bar in Google Earth were you select the different elements.

  • Next you need to make sure that you have the 3D buildings turned on.

  • Once you have made sure that these elements are turned on zoom in on Florida; specifically Orlando.

  • Once you are zoomed in on Orlando you should see a blob of Mickey Mouse ears . Click on one of these.

  • It should now pull up a window about what ever you have clicked on. The window should contain a description and a video on that item.

  • Also you will find that with 3D buildings turned on you can zoom in and adjust the viewing angle to allow you to see a virtual Disney World

I find that if you look through this before your next trip to Disney World you will know what rides do what and what your priorities are.

You can download Google Earth Here. Be sure to comment, let me know what you think about this. What do you think they could improve.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Google Chrome Features

Just the other day I posted a video about my first impressions on Google Chrome. Now after a few days I am pretty impressed with the new Google browser. I decided to do an outline video on some of the features of Google Chrome compared to other browsers.

  • To start off with Google Chrome is the fastest browser I have ever seen. ( faster than Safari)

  • Google Chrome is also open source project based on WebKit.

  • Google Chrome is well made by Google, and Google is great right?

So what do you have to lose? It is free and a very good browser. Go to Google and download it. Also feel free to comment and let me know what you think about it

I think that i will get some IE users using something else (thank God!). The only people that I don't think would like to use this are the Firefox addicts that love the plugins - otherwise it is an extremely good browser.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Google Chrome

I am going to use this blog temporarily while we wait for to update.

I learned yesterday that Google had released a new web browser called Google Chrome Download Here. I really thought that this was a good idea for google so I immediately went to my PC and downloaded it. (no mac version Boo!) Once I ran through the install I began to try out the web browser. The more I used it the more I began to like it. The whole thing is so intuitive I wondered why Apple had't thought about this.

  • I love the feature of the address bar. When you begin to type an address rather than just putting the recent websites in the drop down Google Chrome also pulls in web results from Google's very popular search engine.

  • The best thing about this browser is that it is very fast at loading pages. It even loads Flash heavy pages very well. I am talking faster then Fire Fox and yes also Safari.

As you might know if you follow me on Twitter I am a Mac geek, so as you can imagine I use Safari as my web browser. Google Chrome (if it was made for mac) would totally win me over. It is just so fast. So watch the video at the top of the page for a demo of the browser. Also feel free to comment and let me know what you think.

NOTE: I am using this site instead of my Lockergnome site for know. Looks like Lockergnome is dead. Also as mentioned in the video I will be making a review on this as I get more time to use it.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

I am leaving

I am nolonger going to be using this blog because of the fact I like the other better and two blogs is to much t maintain. You can still get all my posts at

Monday, May 19, 2008

Coming Soon

If you have followed my twitter feed then you know I usually post the thing to ponder. This summer I will post a whole list here beforehand and will be posting them twitter daily. You can visit me on twitter by going to

Sunday, May 11, 2008


what is the best processor? check out the poll on the right-hand side.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

What is the best Search Engine?

What is the best web browser? Check the poll on the right. You can get a full version of this post @

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My Band Trip

If you follow me on twitter @ computerwhiz1 as my handle you have already heard. I went on a band trip to Atlanta, Georgia this past weekend. I competed in a band competition, ate at Hard Rock, and went to Six Flags. We got a superior at the band compettition (I play Trumpet). We went to Hard Rock and had a wonderful meal. Then the next day we went to Six Flags. I rode all the major rides.

  1. Goliath

  2. Superman

  3. Batman

  4. Srcream Machine

  5. Mind Bender

  6. Georgia Cyclone

This is all I can remember off the top of my head. Sorry no pics I was having two much fun. If I get a chance I may write some reviews on the rides. If you guys want them.

Windows Copy

I think Windows copied Apple in Vista. Anyone who has been around macs will notice that Windows is oddly close in features as mac os x 10.5. The think is mac has had these features for many years now. They have been copied. See the full version of thid post tonnight at

Friday, May 2, 2008

Check out my posting spree @


Originally uploaded by daniel43244
PIcture of my friends and I at my birthday.