Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Google Chrome

I am going to use this blog temporarily while we wait for to update.

I learned yesterday that Google had released a new web browser called Google Chrome Download Here. I really thought that this was a good idea for google so I immediately went to my PC and downloaded it. (no mac version Boo!) Once I ran through the install I began to try out the web browser. The more I used it the more I began to like it. The whole thing is so intuitive I wondered why Apple had't thought about this.

  • I love the feature of the address bar. When you begin to type an address rather than just putting the recent websites in the drop down Google Chrome also pulls in web results from Google's very popular search engine.

  • The best thing about this browser is that it is very fast at loading pages. It even loads Flash heavy pages very well. I am talking faster then Fire Fox and yes also Safari.

As you might know if you follow me on Twitter I am a Mac geek, so as you can imagine I use Safari as my web browser. Google Chrome (if it was made for mac) would totally win me over. It is just so fast. So watch the video at the top of the page for a demo of the browser. Also feel free to comment and let me know what you think.

NOTE: I am using this site instead of my Lockergnome site for know. Looks like Lockergnome is dead. Also as mentioned in the video I will be making a review on this as I get more time to use it.

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