Monday, September 22, 2008

Twhirl a Twitter Client

Over the course of the next few weeks I am going to be writing posts on all the different Twitter clients. At the end I will merge all the posts together and give them their own page. The first one I am going to demo is probably the most popular, the adobe air app: Twhirl. You can download Twhirl Here

Twhirl is not only a Twitter client, it is also a Friendfeed client. This is nice to just have one program open doing both things for you. Twhirl is just simply a Twitter/Friendfeed timeline on your desktop. You can read all your direct messages and all of the replies as well as the public timeline. One of my favorite features is that when you are reading the latest tweets you can see a star of you have not read and if you have read them the star will go away. This is great for keeping up with all the tweets. You can also tweet from Twhirl. When you are posting a tweet Twhirl has built in URL shortening as well as the ability to add photos to the mix.

That is not without some disadvantages though. One of the main ones (I don't know if this is Adboe Air or Twhirl) is the fact that it is really buggy. I find that it freezes a lot and it has some weird scrolling issue. I would still keep an eye on it though, because it does have a lot of promise.

If you have any comments about Twhirl feel free to leave them. What is your favorite client?

Once again you can download twhirl Here

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