Friday, September 19, 2008

Manners?, E-mail?, Wha?

I had to do a project in computer class today about some of the rules of etiquette that you need to folow when you are using e-mail here they are:

*E-mail Etiquette-Being polite and using your manners while communicating online through e-mail.

Don’t get to the point to quick. You are sending an e-mail not a text message. Take time to use your words and be polite.
Don’t use text lingo in a formal e-mail. IE. LOL, BRB. This makes you appear to be some kind of texting addict.
Check over the e-mail. When someone gets an e-mail from you and there major misspellings and other grammatical errors it make you come across much dumber then you may be.
When writing an e-mail use your manners, say please and thank you just as you would when you are talking face-to-face.
Be nice in a n e-mail. People can tell when you are getting impatient or in a bad mood by the way you write something. Don’t be too rood in an e-mail. Don’t write in all uppercase letters (I don’t care how cool you think they are). It comes across as you yelling and is not a very good way to write an e-mail.
When sending an e-mail use a formal e-mail address. If your e-mail address is then it will not come across to be very serious e-mail. As a matter of fact it will most likely get deleted by the spam filter.
Don’t send a very large e-mail. When sending an e-mail keep in mind that people have limited amount of inbox space and bandwidth. They don’t want to spend 30 minutes downloading your e-mail. Instead of attaching all 10 pictures from your vacation, Upload them to a FREE hosting service such as photobucket or flickr.
Please comment and let me know what you think about those rules also feel free to leave rules of your own.

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