Sunday, December 21, 2008

New in 2009

I have been doing this whole video blogging thing for about six moths and I feel that it is time for improvement. What better time to do that then at the start of a new year, so I decided to make some changes. Listed below are some of the things that you can be looking forward to.

  • Better Quality Videos. I am going to start doing my videos in full 720p HD quality (1280x720) Resolution. I am also looking for a way to get the screen casts in a way better quality.

  • Better organized videos. I will begin planning my videos before hand so they won't just sound like I am rambling about some boring topic.

  • Also there is a possibility that if I get the traffic I need that I will launch my own site. This will allow me to make a more custom experience and interact more with my readers.

So that is what you can be looking forward to in the new year. Also note that I am going to be taking a break for Christmas. I will have a video up the first weekend in 2009 hopefully with all the improvements listed above. In the mean time feel free to look back through the archives of the blog and read some of the old posts. Listed below are the archives from the months I have been doing this.

Also check out the page I have put together on all of the major Twitter Clients. Twitter Page

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