Thursday, September 11, 2008

How to tour Disney World in Google Earth

Did you know that you can now take a virtual tour of Disney World in Google Earth. Well you can. This requires some power behind your system though. While doing this Google Earth will eat up your CPU and RAM.

  • To start off with you first need to go to the side bar in Google Earth were you select the different elements.

  • Next you need to make sure that you have the 3D buildings turned on.

  • Once you have made sure that these elements are turned on zoom in on Florida; specifically Orlando.

  • Once you are zoomed in on Orlando you should see a blob of Mickey Mouse ears . Click on one of these.

  • It should now pull up a window about what ever you have clicked on. The window should contain a description and a video on that item.

  • Also you will find that with 3D buildings turned on you can zoom in and adjust the viewing angle to allow you to see a virtual Disney World

I find that if you look through this before your next trip to Disney World you will know what rides do what and what your priorities are.

You can download Google Earth Here. Be sure to comment, let me know what you think about this. What do you think they could improve.

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