Sunday, December 7, 2008

Do You Want More Control?

If you use OS X as your main operating system then there is probably more than one thing that you are unhappy with this. However there are somethings that you can fix by 3rd party software. There is a problem called Super Docker you can download it: Here. This program will allow you to customize the look and the feel of your dock. This is one of the things that a lot of people complain about not having enough customizability to it. This application will allow you to do what you want to with the dock. That is not all though; there are also many other system hacks you can take advantage of. It will allow you to force all link to be opened in a new tab in Safari, even when the web web site says to open in new window. There is an option to show hidden files as well. This still does not even do it justice, to see all of the features watch the short and sweet video. Please comment, maybe you know of something better. Let me know how I am doing.

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