Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My Band Trip

If you follow me on twitter @ computerwhiz1 as my handle you have already heard. I went on a band trip to Atlanta, Georgia this past weekend. I competed in a band competition, ate at Hard Rock, and went to Six Flags. We got a superior at the band compettition (I play Trumpet). We went to Hard Rock and had a wonderful meal. Then the next day we went to Six Flags. I rode all the major rides.

  1. Goliath

  2. Superman

  3. Batman

  4. Srcream Machine

  5. Mind Bender

  6. Georgia Cyclone

This is all I can remember off the top of my head. Sorry no pics I was having two much fun. If I get a chance I may write some reviews on the rides. If you guys want them.

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