Tuesday, February 3, 2009

iPhoto '09 Demo

[NOTE: In order to get this in Full 1080p HD so you can see the screen you are going to have to click this link then click to watch in HD. Click Here]
If you didn't already know there is a new version of iLife out. Inside of the suit is the new iPhoto '09. iPhoto '09 is packed with new features.

The main thing that I would like to take note of is the Faces future. This is built in face recognition functionality that allows you to name people in your photos. iPhoto will then take the information that you have given it and use it to automatically identify photos in the future.

The next thing to take note of is places. Places will really shine if you have a camera the embeds geo tagging information into your photos when you take them. This will allow iPhoto to map out exactly where you were when this photo was taken. Don't fret though if you don't have a geo tagging camera, as you can still manually add meta date to your photos. The results won't be quite as exact as with a geo tagging camera, but it will still prove useful. Once you are done telling iPhoto the locations for your pictures it will then give you a nice map view of the pictures and where they were taken.

Some other things to note are the new slide show themes (which are really cool),advanced editing features ,direct uploading to facebook, and direct uploading to flickr.

All of the things that I have listed above are included in the video above this post. iPhoto '09 is a really slick photo managing program and will really help you keep your multitudes of photos stay organized without you even having to do much work. Please comment and let me know what your thoughts on the new version of iPhoto. Will you be upgrading?

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