Thursday, February 26, 2009

Safari 4

[NOTE: In order to get this in Full 1080p HD so you can see the screen you are going to have to click this link then click to watch in HD. Click Here]

Well the good ol' secretive Apple has released a new version of Safari. Safari 4 Public Beta. There are many changes in the product. There are some that are great and some that are kinda pointless.

The first thing that I want to go over is the Top Sites feature. If you have ever used Google Chrome then you will be familiar with this. This essentially a home page that is quick loading and shows you a visual array of your top visited sites. This will be a great replacement to all of you out there who have Google set as your home page. I had about:blank for my home page before, but know I will keep it at this considering that Top Sites is just as fast.

Also in the same Top Sites page there is a place to have access to all of your history. you can open up a nice overflow view and search through it visually or by typing the name of the site. This is a huge improvement over just having the menu drop down for your history.

The big "A" has also improved the engine on which the browser loads its pages with. Safari now is officially the fastest web browser that you can get your hands on. Pages load so fat in fact that Apple has decided to remove the page load status from the URL field. I have found that the new Safari 4 really does load pages a lot faster than Safari 3.

Apple has made some interface changes as well. To start off with, the most obvious thing and most annoying is the new tab management. I didn't really like it at first, but I guess I can get used to it. The tabs are now at the very top of the window. (See the video above for more information.) Also they have made Safari look like a native Windows app; that is if you are running Windows. This is a great improvement because I know of quite a few people that wouldn't use Safari because they said it just looked ugly along with the rest of their applications.

Be sure to watch the video for what I think about the new browser from Apple. Overall I am pretty impressed. Please comment and let me know what you think.

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