Sunday, February 22, 2009

Google Earth 5.0

[NOTE: In order to get this in Full 1080p HD so you can see the screen you are going to have to click this link then click to watch in HD. Click Here]

There is a new version of Google Earth out if you haven't heard that already. Google Earth 5.0. There are a few new things that have been added in the new version and there are some old bugs that have been fixed. Ironically there are now new bugs that will have to be fixed in the future.

The first and probably the coolest feature of Google Earth5.0 is the Ocean View. The essentially allows you to access articles on the ocean and get an under water view of things. This is long over due since in the post the ocean was just blue uncharted land.

The next thing is historical imagery. If you zoom in on a spot and turn on the historical imagery layer than you will be presented with a date slider. This allows you to change the month a year of the picture that you are looking at. This is kinda cool if you want to see what your house looked like 20 years ago.

The last thing that I wont to go over is the new feature to record what you are seeing. Google calls this tour recording. Its almost like a screen cast of Google Earth. It allows you to show some one around a town with some commentary. This is all great, but the format is Google Earth's own. This means that you can't as of this point export your tours to a MPEG-4 file or anything else for that mater. Considering how open Google usually is I would suspect that some kind of export feature is on its way.

So that is Google Earth 5.0. They have added a lot of cool new features and I would suggest upgrading; after all it is free. Please comment and let me know what you think about what Google has done with Google EArth 5.0.

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