Friday, January 23, 2009

[NOTE: In order to get this in Full 1080i HD so you can see the screen you are going to have to click this link then click to watch in HD. Click Here]

The last application that is included with the iWork '09 suit is Keynote '09. Keynote has come a long way over the course of the last two years. The new version is great. I love it. They have added so many new features to the '09 version that for me Keynote is the best and simplest presentation program. Some of the new features to features to look for are the new transitions, more themes, and better animations.

The new transitions and animations are great. The main thing to look for is what Apple is calling Magic Move. This is a feature that allows you to make really cool transitions with a click of the button. When you have some objects on a slide and you have some of the same objects on the next slide then Keynote will figure out a great and innovative way to make these objects move from slide to slide. (This is a bad way to explain it watch the video to find out more.) They have also added some new text transitions; all of which are demoed in the video. Also there are some new textures and animations for the charts. All of things things jut bring a boring and plain presentation to life. (I know if the teachers would do this at school it would really help me from falling asleep.)

There have also been some advanced sharing options included. You can upload to, you can export to a Powerpoint file, as well as you can export to a Movie and share to youtube. All of this added with the features above make Keynote totally rule over Powerpoint.

So if you ask me if I would recommend you getting Keynote '09. YES! if you use a presentation program at any time than this is the one to use. In my opinion Keynote alone is reason enough to buy the new suit of software iWork '09.

Please comment and stay tuned for the iWork '09 round up post.

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