Sunday, January 4, 2009

Installing Wordpress via MAMP

Do you want a website that you can play around with? If so then you most likely don't want to pay for an online server. What you are looking for is a application that can run a web server on your computer. If you have a Mac then what you are looking for is a application called MAMP Download Here. This application also comes in hand when you are trying to test a new site or design a new one so when you put sites on the web they are fully functional and ready to go. After all who wants to see that Under Construction logo?

In This video I am going to show you how you can install a wordpress site and run it locally on your computer using MAMP.

Please leave a comment and let me know if you have any questions or just comment on what ever you like. Also I am accepting recommendation on future topics. Leave those as a comment to any post.

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