Friday, January 30, 2009

Before I get started I would like to say that I am impressed with the new iLife suite and I love what they have done with iMovie. (This movie was edited with iMovie '09) Below is the video of me unboxing the iLife '09 software suite.

Stay tuned for More. I will be doing a demo of all the new programs. Also I will be showing you the basics of some of the programs. Stay tuned to this blog or my Twitter @ Click Here to know when I have put up a new video; as I will be posting videos randomly throughout the week because of all of the content that is new. Lastly, I am thinking about doing a Tip of the week for all the different applications included in the iLife '09 suite. Comment and other than that, have a great time and what would you mix instant water with?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

iWork '09 Round-Up

Over the past few days I have been writing a doing videos on the latest line a office software from Apple, iWork '09. This post is just strictly about wether you should upgrade or not. That is a very debatable thing. First off let me say that if you don't at least have iWork '08 then I would suggest that you upgrade. Also if you use iWork on a regular basis then I would suggest that you get the new iWork '09.

The first application in our round-up is Pages. This is the word processing application that is in iWork. The new version of Pages includes many new features. Full Screen, this is something that has been needed for a while and they have finally given it to us. WHat this allows you to do is block out everything on your computer except the things that are relating to Pages. Dynamic outlining, this is a very complex feature that lets you organize and categorize the data in your document. They have added integration with Math Type and End Note. Also they have added more templates and better ways to share your documents. You can go here and read the full post on Pages '09: Pages '09 Demo Post

Next up in the Round-Up is Numbers '09. Apple has also added some new features in Numbers '09 that will allow you to make spread sheets better, simpler, and faster. The main thing that they have added in Numbers '09 is the multitude of formulas that you have access to. They have given you a new inspector of sorts that will allow you to view the formulas available to you by category. There is also a new way to organize your spread sheets. You can do things by category which is really nice for keeping them looking good and organized. Numbers '09 has also experienced updates to charts, the template chooser, and the sharing. You can read more about Numbers '09 here: Numbers '09 Demo Post.

The last and most compelling updates are to Keynote '09. Key note has seen some new transitions. Apple has given us a new and cool way to transition objects from one slide to another called Magic Move. They have also added some new text transitions that will give your slide show that little extra bam. On top of all of this Keynote know has some new and nice looking templates and chat textures, an iPhone remote application, and of course the new sharing features. you can read more about Keynote '09 here: Keynote '09 Demo Post.

So what is the verdict? Should you upgrade?

  • Pages '09: No

  • Numbers '09: Yes

  • Keynote '09: YES!

So yes you should upgrade. If anything the new things that you can do just to make you job easier are well worth the $79 that it costs to upgrade. Please Comment and let me know what you think about pages.

Friday, January 23, 2009

[NOTE: In order to get this in Full 1080i HD so you can see the screen you are going to have to click this link then click to watch in HD. Click Here]

The last application that is included with the iWork '09 suit is Keynote '09. Keynote has come a long way over the course of the last two years. The new version is great. I love it. They have added so many new features to the '09 version that for me Keynote is the best and simplest presentation program. Some of the new features to features to look for are the new transitions, more themes, and better animations.

The new transitions and animations are great. The main thing to look for is what Apple is calling Magic Move. This is a feature that allows you to make really cool transitions with a click of the button. When you have some objects on a slide and you have some of the same objects on the next slide then Keynote will figure out a great and innovative way to make these objects move from slide to slide. (This is a bad way to explain it watch the video to find out more.) They have also added some new text transitions; all of which are demoed in the video. Also there are some new textures and animations for the charts. All of things things jut bring a boring and plain presentation to life. (I know if the teachers would do this at school it would really help me from falling asleep.)

There have also been some advanced sharing options included. You can upload to, you can export to a Powerpoint file, as well as you can export to a Movie and share to youtube. All of this added with the features above make Keynote totally rule over Powerpoint.

So if you ask me if I would recommend you getting Keynote '09. YES! if you use a presentation program at any time than this is the one to use. In my opinion Keynote alone is reason enough to buy the new suit of software iWork '09.

Please comment and stay tuned for the iWork '09 round up post.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Numbers '09 Demo

Also Included in the latest edition of Apple's office suit called iWork is Numbers '09. There is not much to cover in this demo although there are a few things.

They have added a new and better way to manage the formulas and how you can use them. This includes a new inspector if you will that is devoted to the formulas. This allows you to see all of the formulas that are available to you with a simply category view. They also added a view that you can turn on in order for you to see what formulas you are using on a page and the information about them.

The next big thing that they added is a way to categorize your spreadsheets. For example if you are keeping a log of information for people in your company you could categorize the information by what section of the company they are in. This is a really innovative way for you to organize those large spreadsheets and not get confused.

They have also added a new capability so that when you copy a chart from Numbers to Pages it will stay in sync when you edit it in Numbers. This is a great way for you to stay sure that that chart you put in your document is up to date when you edit it on the spreadsheet.

Some of the other things to look of is the addition of more themes for you to work with along with more ways to share, including export options to PDF and Excel and of course sharing to

Please enjoy the video below and comment. Also don't complain that you can't read the screen, read the direction below the video on how to watch in HD so that you can see.

[NOTE: In order to get this in Full 1080i HD so you can see the screen you are going to have to click this link then click to watch in HD. Click Here]

Should you upgrade? Well if you don't use Numbers very much or for anything to advanced then don't upgrade unless your are dying to upgrade. However if you use Numbers on a regular basis then UPGRADE for sure. Some of the features will save you so much time that it is well worth the $79.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

pages '09 Demo

As you know Apple released a new version of Pages in their office suite known as iWork. This is a video of me demonstrating some of the things that can be found in the new version of Pages (Pages '09). Some of things to take note of are the new full screen view and some of the Math Type, new themes, dynamic outlining and Endnote integration. This may or may not be a compelling upgrade for you. It is $79 at the Apple website and it really doesn't offer that much in return in less you use office software a lot or some of the new features here are really what you want. As for most people Pages '08 will do just fine for the little things every know and then. I would however upgrade if you don't at least have Pages '08. Also keep in mind that pages is a part of the iWork '09 suite and there may be an application that will compel you to upgrade the whole suit. Anyway here is the video of some of the features that can be found in Pages '09. Enjoy and please comment.

[NOTE: In order to get this in Full 1080i HD so you can see the screen you are going to have to click this link then click to watch in HD. Click Here]

NOTE: Also you can find out more about Pages '09 @ Apple's Website

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

iWork '09 Unboxing

You probably know that Apple recently announced that they were going to release a new version of iWork as iWork '09. I recently received a copy of this and this is the video of me unboxing it. I am also going to be doing some demos of the different apps included that will be posted throughout the week. Enjoy and please comment.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Make the Best of Gaming on the Mac

Do you have a PS3. Do you play games on your mac. Do you need a better game controller then the keyboard and mouse? Well how about using that PS3 controller. You can and all you have to do is install one quick plugin on your mac. (This also works on PC just Google "PS3 controller PC) Watch the video below to find out more.

[NOTE: In order to get this in Full 1080i HD so you can see the screen you are going to have to click this link then click to watching in HD. Click Here]
Please leave a comment. Also feel free to give me some ideas for upcoming blog posts.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Installing Wordpress via MAMP

Do you want a website that you can play around with? If so then you most likely don't want to pay for an online server. What you are looking for is a application that can run a web server on your computer. If you have a Mac then what you are looking for is a application called MAMP Download Here. This application also comes in hand when you are trying to test a new site or design a new one so when you put sites on the web they are fully functional and ready to go. After all who wants to see that Under Construction logo?

In This video I am going to show you how you can install a wordpress site and run it locally on your computer using MAMP.

Please leave a comment and let me know if you have any questions or just comment on what ever you like. Also I am accepting recommendation on future topics. Leave those as a comment to any post.