Saturday, October 25, 2008

Parts of a Computer

Just a few days ago I was talking to a friend and he wanted to know about some of the parts of a computer. So I decided to tell the whole world. To start off I recommend you watch the video above as it can show a lot more then some text in a blog post.

A computer has a few main parts. The CPU, RAM, HD, and GPU to name the basics.

  • The CPU is the brain of the computer. The Ghz of the CPU is like an IQ for human brain. The CPU is what does all the work of the machine.

  • The next us RAM. The RAM is like paper if you will. Think if you were doing a math problem you would be writing it down on paper. The RAM is what stores the temporary data while the CPU works on it.

  • Next you have the HD. Think of the HD as being the binder. When you are done with that math problem you would put the paper into a binder to store it for later. The HD is what stores all of the data once the computer is done working on it.

  • Lastly, you have the GPU. The GPU is like a CPU for graphics. The GPU is short for the Graphics card. It processes all of the video input and output for the computer. The CPU also has RAM for storing what it needs to. Although some GPUs use the RAM from the rest of the computer.

So now the Whole analogy is that the CPU= the brain; the RAM= Paper; and the HD= a binder were you put the paper away. I hope all of this helps you in learning some of the basic parts of a computer.

Some of the terms I used are: CPU(Central Processing Unit), RAM(Random Access Memory), HD (Hard Drive), and GPU(Graphics Processing Unit). Here are some pictures of those parts.





Please leave any comments you would like to. Also let me know if this helped you. Would you want to know more about the components of computers?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

New Mac Books 2008

I have been waiting to do this until I could get a good chance to do a quality review. I recommend that you watch the video as this is simply a repeat and show notes of what has been said there.

to start off I see no reason to not like the new design as others have said. I personally have no problem with the new design. I like it and I think that it will mean more possibilities in the future. I will first list what I think would be some cons (I have not actually touched one). For the Mac book low end I see no reason for there not be be a back lit key board. I can't be that much more expensive to put one in there, and I know a lot of people who don't need the high-end computer that would like to have the back light. Also why in the world would they take away the firewire? Apple invented this didn't they? Anyway people really would need a more powerful computer like a Mac Book Pro to edit video. Even though some people just import then upload to Youtube. i guess you could use a USB adapter, but it would go slower. Also this seems like it would cause a problem with an external HD. The last con that I can think of now is that there is no mat screen. Unless there has been a major change you can't even use your laptop outside or in a bright room unless you want a mirror.

Now on to the Pros. I love the new more durable (or so Apple says) brick technology. Also I love the new track pad idea. Not only do you not have the button at the bottom yu now have a mouse with multiple buttons on a track pad. The question I have is can you get a program to remap what the different gestures to so you can possibly like have a fully functional "multiple button mouse". The next pro which isn't that big of a deal is the price. The reason I say that is that the price is still high and they will have to bring it down about 2-3 hundred dollars to cut into the Dell and HP market.

Now on to some clarification about some things people are complaining about that aren't problems. the track pad is simply one whole button (the whole thing depresses). It isn't that horrid touch click feature that we all hate because we all end up screwing something up trying to use it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Feel free to leave comments and let me know how I am doing. Also I am interested to know what you think about the new Mac Books. Will you be going to get one?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

My Social a Social Media Client

My Social is a very basic Twitter and Friendfeed program that simply gives you a tabbed interface in order to view both your Twitter and Friendfeed timelines. Watch the video to find out more. You can download My Social here: Download.

Friday, October 10, 2008

search 2001

This is a quick video on how you can go back and search the old Google archives from 2001. Also how to get a reverse google (elgooG). Link to the search 2001 page

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Twinja Air

This is a Twitter client that provides a very innovative way of displaying timelines.  It allows you to make different filters or groups that allow you to have different time lines open in the same window. The only disadvantage is that it takes up a lot of desktop space, but with all the multi desktop apps out there that shouldn't be a problem.  Watch the Video to fins out more.  You can Download Twinja Air here:Download Here

Also feel free to comment.  Let me know what you think about my videos. Also what do you think about Twinja Air?