Saturday, May 24, 2008

I am leaving

I am nolonger going to be using this blog because of the fact I like the other better and two blogs is to much t maintain. You can still get all my posts at

Monday, May 19, 2008

Coming Soon

If you have followed my twitter feed then you know I usually post the thing to ponder. This summer I will post a whole list here beforehand and will be posting them twitter daily. You can visit me on twitter by going to

Sunday, May 11, 2008


what is the best processor? check out the poll on the right-hand side.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

What is the best Search Engine?

What is the best web browser? Check the poll on the right. You can get a full version of this post @

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My Band Trip

If you follow me on twitter @ computerwhiz1 as my handle you have already heard. I went on a band trip to Atlanta, Georgia this past weekend. I competed in a band competition, ate at Hard Rock, and went to Six Flags. We got a superior at the band compettition (I play Trumpet). We went to Hard Rock and had a wonderful meal. Then the next day we went to Six Flags. I rode all the major rides.

  1. Goliath

  2. Superman

  3. Batman

  4. Srcream Machine

  5. Mind Bender

  6. Georgia Cyclone

This is all I can remember off the top of my head. Sorry no pics I was having two much fun. If I get a chance I may write some reviews on the rides. If you guys want them.

Windows Copy

I think Windows copied Apple in Vista. Anyone who has been around macs will notice that Windows is oddly close in features as mac os x 10.5. The think is mac has had these features for many years now. They have been copied. See the full version of thid post tonnight at

Friday, May 2, 2008

Check out my posting spree @


Originally uploaded by daniel43244
PIcture of my friends and I at my birthday.