Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cleaning Out Mac With Onyx

As you might know your mac will slow down over time. It does not matter what you do with your mac as long as it is on it will slow down over time. Now don't get scared because it is nothing drastic like windows when you would have to reinstall the OS and you won't have to reinstall OS X either. The thing that happens is overtime files left over from unused programs and caches that never got cleaned pile up on your hard drive. This not only takes up valuable space, but it slows down your overall productivity as well. Now, there are a host of programs to do these tasks as well as you can do it on your on manually. However I am going to be showing you Onyx in this video. Onyx is a free program for doing various things to your mac like maintenance and changing secret settings. You can download Onyx Here. Without further ado, please watch the video below in order to find out how to use this program. If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments section.
[NOTE: In order to get this in Full 1080p HD so you can see the screen you are going to have to click this link then click to watch in HD. Click Here or click watch in HD in the player here and make it full screen.]

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