Saturday, September 12, 2009

Koss Earbuds Unboxing

After using my Apple iPod headphones for over a year they finally got to the point where I had to get some new ones. At first I just though I would just buy some more Apple ones as they seemed to fit me well; I may be the only one but… Anyway I decided to try and find some other ones so I went into the local Walmart (I know not the best tech store) and looked for some earbuds. I found these Koss ones and decided to give them a try. So far I have been really happy with them and you can check by for the review video that will be out later this week. Feel free to leave any comments or questions about anything you like. Also if you prefer you can always contact me using the "contact me" page on this blog.

[NOTE: In order to get this in Full 1080p HD so you can see the screen you are going to have to click this link then click to watch in HD. Click Here or click watch in HD in the player here and make it full screen.]

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