Sunday, September 27, 2009

Quick Tip #17-Web Clips

This is quick tip #17. In this video I walk you through how to capture a section of a web page and display it in dashboard. This is really useful for capturing the latest posts section of a website so you can see what is going on there at a moments glance.
[NOTE: In order to get this in Full 1080p HD so you can see the screen you are going to have to click this link then click to watch in HD. Click Here or click watch in HD in the player here and make it full screen.]

Monday, September 21, 2009

Southern Fried Geeks Episode #7

In this episode of Southern Fried Geeks, there was a whole lot going on. In episode 7, we discussed the Microsoft-Yahoo deal. Yes, we know it's old news, but we haven't shot the show in so long! There was lots to talk about, such as Bing and Yahoo mail, which we both had mixed opinions about. Later, I(kung fu gamer) brought my waterproof camera onto the set to do a little dissection, which didn't go as planned as you'll see in the video. I sort of combined the dissection and destroying, but it was still good. Finally, the last thing we discussed was the Did You Know? video which was very informative. Overall, it was a good episode of Southern Fried Geeks and we'll hope you come back for more!

We have gotten a new set!!!! We just got rid of the whole table/chair/tv thing, and just transitioned to a new, more relaxed set with fancy chairs.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Koss Earbud Review

Last week I put up an unboxing video for the Koss headphones and now it is time for the review. Keep in mind that I have had these for much longer that 1 week. Thanks to video backlogging on my part most of my content is over a month old. Anyway, I personally think that videos are better for reviews so I am just going to tell you that I am very pleased with these headphones and they have a great sound for the price. To really find out what I think about them watch the video below.
[NOTE: In order to get this in Full 1080p HD so you can see the screen you are going to have to click this link then click to watch in HD. Click Here or click watch in HD in the player here and make it full screen.]

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Koss Earbuds Unboxing

After using my Apple iPod headphones for over a year they finally got to the point where I had to get some new ones. At first I just though I would just buy some more Apple ones as they seemed to fit me well; I may be the only one but… Anyway I decided to try and find some other ones so I went into the local Walmart (I know not the best tech store) and looked for some earbuds. I found these Koss ones and decided to give them a try. So far I have been really happy with them and you can check by for the review video that will be out later this week. Feel free to leave any comments or questions about anything you like. Also if you prefer you can always contact me using the "contact me" page on this blog.

[NOTE: In order to get this in Full 1080p HD so you can see the screen you are going to have to click this link then click to watch in HD. Click Here or click watch in HD in the player here and make it full screen.]