Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mac Graphing Calculator

A while back I was given a math assignment that required us to use a graphing calculator on the computer. Now being that my school is narrow minded and only provided a program that would do this on a Windows machine I was left out to fend for my self. Anyway as I was searching for a graphing calculator that was free to install on my mac I was delighted to find that there was one built in. That's right there is a graphing calculator build into your Mac. It is in the utilities folder not the applications folder which is why it is a bit harder to find. Anyway without rambling on to far the video below will show you how to use it. Enjoy and don't be scared to leave comments and questions.
[NOTE: In order to get this in Full 1080p HD so you can see the screen you are going to have to click this link then click to watch in HD. Click Here or click watch in HD in the player here and make it full screen.]

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