Sunday, July 26, 2009

BeFunky Photo Effect Site

If you are looking for a way to add some really cool effects to your pictures then this is the website for you. The website is Here and the video below will walk you through the process of uploading your pictures and adding effects to them. So enjoy, and don't be scared to leave comments and questions.

[NOTE: In order to get this in Full 1080p HD so you can see the screen you are going to have to click this link then click to watch in HD. Click Here or click watch in HD in the player here and make it full screen.]

Friday, July 17, 2009

Southern Fried Geeks Episode #5

This episode of Southern Fried Geeks is jam packed with loads of destruction and mayhem. We shoot a watermelon with a paintball gun, and destroy a keyboard with a hammer. So what are you doing still reading this? Watch the video below.

If you would like to see the full version of this post then go to the Southern Fried Geeks Website at

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mac Graphing Calculator

A while back I was given a math assignment that required us to use a graphing calculator on the computer. Now being that my school is narrow minded and only provided a program that would do this on a Windows machine I was left out to fend for my self. Anyway as I was searching for a graphing calculator that was free to install on my mac I was delighted to find that there was one built in. That's right there is a graphing calculator build into your Mac. It is in the utilities folder not the applications folder which is why it is a bit harder to find. Anyway without rambling on to far the video below will show you how to use it. Enjoy and don't be scared to leave comments and questions.
[NOTE: In order to get this in Full 1080p HD so you can see the screen you are going to have to click this link then click to watch in HD. Click Here or click watch in HD in the player here and make it full screen.]

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Southern Fried Geeks Episode #4

In this episode of Southern Fried Geeks you are going to see the inside of an RC helicopter controller, Kung Fu Gamer is going to hammer fist a tooth brush, and we discuss Google Chrome OS and what it means to the rest of the market. So without further ado, enjoy.

You can find more information about Southern Fried Geeks at the official web site

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Quick Tip #15- Custom Google Page

Quick Tip #15 is here and I am going to be showing you how you can use a service called You Hoogle. This service allows you to make a Google search page that has you name of what ever else you want it to say on it. If you have any questions feel free to contact me or leave them in the comments section.
[NOTE: In order to get this in Full 1080p HD so you can see the screen you are going to have to click this link then click to watch in HD. Click Here or click watch in HD in the player here and make it full screen.]

Monday, July 6, 2009

Quick Tip #14- User Account Settings

In this quick tip I walk you through the various account settings that are available to you in OS X and I show you what they do. I hope this will help anybody out there who is new to the OS X platform and I hope this will help you get familiar with the settings that are available to you. After all that is who these quick tips are designed for is the new people that need a little bit of showing around. Enjoy and if you have any other questions feel free to leave them in the comments section or on the Contact Me page.
[NOTE: In order to get this in Full 1080p HD so you can see the screen you are going to have to click this link then click to watch in HD. Click Here or click watch in HD in the player here and make it full screen.]

Sunday, July 5, 2009

LG Dare Review

A review is something that is best done with a video not words so without further ado, enjoy. Also if you have any other questions about the phone just leave them in the comments section.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Southern Fried Geeks Episode #3

You can see the full post and more Southern Fried Geeks content at our website: