Sunday, April 18, 2010

PCIe USB Card Installation

One of the things that bugs me the most about my computer is the fact that I never have enough USB ports. Sure, you can buy hubs, extenders and all that, but for me that just makes one eye sore of a rats nest to deal with. It is a much cleaner look when you have the USB ports built right into your computer. Now, if you have a standard tower PC or a Mac Pro you are able to do this. All you need is a free PCI or PCIe slot (depending on the model card you are installing). From that point on, everything is very easy to do. This video shows you the process of installing such a card into a 2009 model Mac Pro. Enjoy.

Monday, March 29, 2010

iChat Appearance Settings

Most people that use a Mac use iChat. iChat is the default instant messaging application on a Mac. One thing that most people do not do though, is change the appearance of their chats. Most people don't even know that it can be done. In this video, I walk you through all that you will need to know in order to do this. If you have anything that you want to say, feel free to comment.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Adobe Photoshop Elements Unboxing

Photoshop Elements is a very useful piece of software for you to have on your computer. It is not very expensive and can do anything from simple enhancements to photos you have taken to designing a slick logo from scratch. One thing that I end up doing a lot is designing images to be used on websites, or in videos. Photoshop Elements is perfect for this. Below, is a video of me unboxing it. Review will come, but it will probably be a long time before I can get around to reviewing all of the things. Hope you enjoy, and have a great day.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Hard Drive Upgrade

So, as you might know, I have decided I really want to do something with video editing. Part of video editing is the video, and video takes up a lot of hard drive space. So, I got a new hard drive that I am going to do all my video editing on, as well as storing all my pictures and music. This allows my main hard drive to be for the operating system and programs only. In this video, I am showing the installation process of this new hard drive. I think you will find it very simple.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fluid: The Site Specific Browser

There are some websites like Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, and others that you might want to run in their own application. I know that it might be more convenient for me to have a Gmail app rather than using Safari or setting up Apple's Mail to access it. The companies that provide these services don't provide a desktop app, but they do provide a web interface. That is where Fluid comes in. Fluid allows you to be able to take that web interface and use it in its own application. You can make an application for any website and it will run just like any other native application on your computer. This is a nice seamless way to integrate online services into your everyday suit of applications. Watch the video below to find out how to set this up. Feel free to comment.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Mini Mixer Unboxing

Any one who follows this blog to any degree should have heard about Southern Fried Geeks by now. We have not had a show in a while, and that is because we are working on some major improvements and changes. One of the main things will be our new set. This is the unboxing video of the audio mixer that will be used to mix the audio for the people on set. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Mac Pro RAM Installation

This Christmas I got a few new things to make my Mac Pro actually be a Mac Pro. Up until this point, I only had 2 GB of RAM. As you might know 2 GB just is not enough to run multiple apps as well as editing and exporting video. So I was happy to get 4 more GB of RAM to add this Christmas. The video below is a video of my installing the RAM. Also, go to Other World Computing to get more instruction on the installation process. Enjoy!